Your one stop shop for Asbestos In Soils.
Asbestos in soils cannot be identified by the naked eye. It requires analysis, completed by a UKAS accredited laboratory.
TTL are UKAS accredited for Asbestos in Soils – The Identification and Quantification of Asbestos fibres in bulk samples of Soil, specifically: Soils, Aggregates, Sediments and complete Qualitative and Quantitative analysis in our purpose-built laboratory.
Our analysis comprises of three stages:
Stage 1 – PLM Identification
Stage 2 – Quantification of asbestos in soil
Stage 3 – Respirable Fibre content of soil using PCM
These results can be used to determine where any waste can be disposed of. Hazardous waste landfills are significantly more expenses than non-hazardous, and TTL can help ensure you are disposing of any waste correctly.
Soil and made ground can become contaminated with asbestos in many different ways.
This can include (and not be limited too):
Historic demolition of a building or buildings which had contained asbestos
Fly-tipping or illegal disposal of asbestos containing materials
Brownfield sites
Previous commercial or industrial use of asbestos containing materials
Due to the nature of asbestos fibres, they can be released into the air if disturbed. Once previously undisturbed ground is disturbed, the risk of any fibres being released increases. This exposure can pose a risk to both individuals and to the environment. Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012: Interpretation for Managing and Working with Asbestos in Soil and Construction & Demolition materials: Industry Guidance (also known as CAR-SOIL) require employers to carry out a risk assessment where there is a potential for employees to be exposed to asbestos.
Why Choose TTL?
Our highly trained and experienced staff hold all the qualifications and accreditations needed to ensure our services are provided in full accordance with current legislation and industry best practice. The Testing Lab PLC conduct UKAS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Accredited Asbestos Testing nationwide; on domestic, commercial, and industrial buildings.
Our analysts are experienced and qualified to BOHS P401/P408 (or equivalent.) The Testing Lab PLC routinely participates in the AISS (Asbestos in Soils Scheme), AIMS (Asbestos in Materials Scheme) and RICE (Regular Interlaboratory Counting Exchanges) proficiency testing schemes, which are run by the Health and Safety Laboratory, HSL.
To discuss your individual requirements, please contact our experienced and dedicated team who will be happy to assist.
Please give us your details by clicking our ‘Request a Call Back’ button.