Your One Stop Shop For RAAC Testing.

From the 1950s until the 1990s, reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) was utilised in flat roofing, flooring, and walls. It was popular because it was lighter and cheaper than concrete. Fireproof and insulating, RAAC has outstanding thermal qualities.
Many features distinguish RAAC from conventional concrete. To minimise weight, concrete is aerated, giving it a bubbly look like an ‘Aero’ chocolate bar, thus making it a porous material.
Porous concrete enables moisture to permeate, exposing steel reinforcing. Moisture can damage the steel’s long-term structural integrity and pose a risk to individuals living, working, and visiting RAAC buildings, which may collapse without notice.

If you are responsible for the property and suspect RAAC concerns like cracking, displacement, water intrusion, or durability, you should organise a survey which involves taking samples of the suspect materials. RAAC can be visually identified if you have direct panel access. Light grey or off-white RAAC has a smooth finish. Without aggregate, it will seem honeycombed with no aggregate.
A lab will analyse these samples to determine RAAC presence.
In conclusion, RAAC in a building is a serious issue that requires prompt treatment. TTL’s survey team can do British Standard site identification surveys and confirmatory laboratory analysis.
To discuss your individual requirements, please contact our experienced and dedicated team who can advise you of the survey you require.
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